So what's the appeal of cloth? Sooo many things.
The most important one, to me, is that they don't contain chemicals that will be held against my baby's skin for 24 hours a day (okay, 23.5 if you count bath time and diaper changes). Dioxin, a carcinogen, is not a chemical I want my son to hang out with.
Second, the environmental factor. Disposable diapers are the third largest consumer item filling our landfills, and they take between 250-500 years to decompose. Estimates show that each year about 18 billion diapers are used and thrown away. You do the math - yikes.
Third is the cost. One cloth diaper cost between $15-25, which is about the same as 50 disposable diapers. Those are the "fancy" ones. He has some that cost less than $3 each (the "old fashioned" prefold kind that most people us as burp rags). That's the same as about 10 disposable diapers. I can guaratee you that each of Brenden's diapers will be used more than 10 times.... more than 50 times actually. We're saving lots of money, and would be saving more if the CDC didn't require sposies.
Last, is how freaking adorable they are. Seriously, have you see them? They come in really cute prints and colors and make me smile.
So what's Pampers doing now? Coming out with Pampers Prints. Oh, vomit.
They have them hanging on a clothesline. Are they saying that you should dry your Pampers out and reuse them? Surely not, because that would decrease their profits... so what are they saying? It REALLY, REALLY drives me crazy that one of the reasons people use cloth is because of how cute they are (although I don't think that is anyone's primary reason) and now Pampers is coming in and trying to take that away. I could go on and on about how I feel about this, but I won't. All I can hope for is that this winds up backfiring and promoting cloth diapers.
End rant. For now.
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