Wednesday, 4 May 2011

5 months pregnant

This picture was taken at 21 weeks 4 days pregnant (exactly 5 months) with Little Miss Brielle.... and whoever else might be hiding out in there with her!!!

Just a quick update as to how things are going..... GREAT! This pregnancy is going insanely smooth, other than the asthma issue. I've been taking Advair twice daily (in addition to my Singulair and Zyrtec) for almost two weeks, and I'm so happy to say that the asthma is finally under control. I don't even think I realized how bad it had gotten until I got on Advair. Sitting on the couch every night having to consciously focus on each and every breath and work to take it because it isn't coming naturally isn't something that a person should have to live with... especially not a pregnant woman. I am slowly getting my energy back as well. Not getting enough oxygen really wears you out! I thought it was just being pregnant and taking care of Brenden... I thought that maybe I was missing out on that "2nd trimester energy" that I got with Brenden and everyone talks about. I wouldn't say that I have loads of energy now, but I'm not fighting sleep every hour of the day.

Brielle is growing and growing which is great. She's such a strong and active little girl. Within the past few days I've started noticing that if I watch my belly when she's moving around I can see her movements. I can feel her little elbows or knees or something run across my belly. She's also gotten the hiccups a few times that I've noticed. To add to that, I can tell that she is already head down which is how I hope she stays. I don't want to go through another breech baby scare... It's such a crazy thing to be able to feel all this so soon! It's so wonderful though since I had such a hard time bonding with her at first. Now, every day I just fall more and more in love with her! I'm still hoping that it's a long while before she's here, but I am actually extremely excited now.

I have my "big" ultrasound on Friday. I'll be 22 weeks and they will take all her measurements and make sure that everything is looking good and that she is healthy. Please keep your fingers crossed that everything goes well for us!!!!

I'm working on an Easter post which is taking forever because of all the pictures.... but be looking out for that!


  1. You look so good! I can't wait to rub your Brielle belly :) and YAY FOR FRIDAY!! Can't wait to hear how the new Princess is growing. <3

  2. By the way, this is Lindsay not Matt lol
