Saturday, 28 May 2011

The Adventures of Brenden

Brenden did the CDC Tuesday-Friday this week. Tuesday and Wednesday weren't great, but I'm chalking that up to him cutting his molars. I didn't give him and Tylenol before he went so he was probably hurting and just wanting his mommy. Thursday and Friday were really good though! He had Tylenol before he went so I guess he was feeling good and had AWESOME days. They said he didn't cry when I left and didn't cry AT ALL the entire two hours he was there on Thursday. He played inside great, played outside great, and ate his lunch great. I'm so proud.

But my proudest moment was when I walked in to pick him up on Thursday. The kids were already laying down for a nap. They don't put a cot out for Brenden since I pick him up right before nap time. He was sitting next to a little girl who was laying down. The teacher was sitting on the other side of her patting her back, and he was sitting there rubbing her hair.

Is that not the sweetest thing you've ever heard of? It melted my heart. Yeah, Brenden is as rotten as they come. He loves his mommy and wants 195% of my attention 25 hours a day. However, he's also as sweet as they come.

And we'll turn from his sweetness to his rottenness now.

Brenden has a fascination with the dogs' water bowl. It drives me bonkers. The floor is always wet, he's always wet, it's just a mess. Today he was toting around our Vonage phone, which is fine; he does that a lot. My eyes weren't glued on him which I guess, in hindsight, was a mistake. I heard him splashing in the water and didn't think much of it because it's what he does. I turn around to look at him and he's splashing in the water with the phone. The phone is obviously ruined now. We went on base to the BX to buy a new phone so we could still be in contact with people in the States. All they have is British phones. Yeah, on base. Isn't that messed up?!?!?! I guess I'll have to order a new one off of Amazon and wait a week or so for it to get here. In the meantime, we won't be able to talk to any friends or family in the US :(  I have the phone sitting in a bowl of rice hoping it will dry out and maybe work again...... I don't have high hopes!

Love that kid.

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